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Aurora Travel

UX/UI Design


aurora travel main
aurora travel main

Project Overview

I designed a comprehensive travel planning platform that assists users in organizing trips, finding accommodations, and discovering local attractions. The platform aimed to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for travel enthusiasts.

Problem Statement

Travelers often faced challenges in organizing their trips due to fragmented information and complicated booking processes. There was a need for an integrated solution that offered a streamlined planning experience from start to finish.

Research and Insights

I conducted user research, including surveys and interviews with frequent travelers, to understand their pain points and preferences. I also analyzed existing travel platforms to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Design Process


Created wireframes to outline the platform’s structure, focusing on a user-friendly layout that simplified trip planning, accommodation booking, and attraction discovery.


Developed interactive prototypes to test the flow and functionality of the platform. Collected user feedback to refine the design and ensure it met travelers' needs.

Visual Design:

Designed high-fidelity mockups with an engaging and visually appealing aesthetic. Incorporated vibrant images, intuitive icons, and clear typography to enhance the user experience.

User Testing:

Conducted usability testing sessions to validate the design. Made necessary adjustments to ensure the platform was easy to use and provided a seamless experience for planning and booking trips.

Final Outcome

The travel planning platform was well-received by users, who appreciated its all-in-one approach and intuitive design. The platform successfully combined trip planning, accommodation booking, and attraction discovery into a cohesive and enjoyable experience.

Impact and Results

Increased User Engagement:

The platform saw a 45% increase in user engagement, with travelers spending more time planning and organizing their trips.

Positive User Feedback:

Surveys showed a high satisfaction rate, with 90% of users stating that the platform made travel planning easier and more enjoyable.

Higher Booking Rates:

The integrated booking system led to a 25% increase in accommodation and attraction bookings directly through the platform.

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